Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 25

So you may be wondering where I come up with all of these entries.  I have a 30 minute commute and I usually go for a walk during lunchtime and I usually do a lot of thinking during those time periods.  I'm not crazy  and I have a paper that proves it.  

Today has been a very quiet day.   I took advantage of the break in work and did some discerning and praying today.  Did you know that on this date in 1530, Philipp Melanchthon, the main author of the Confessions, and the Princes of Germany presented the Augsburg Confession to the Emperor and to the world.  This document showed the rest of the world that the church could be and was wrong.  The Augsburg Confession defined the beliefs of Christian Reformers.  It represented and still represents what we as Lutherans believe to be true.  It is the bases of our Faith and in a way, its a gift from God.  Many reformers tired and failed but Luther succeeded.  The church that Luther loved turned its back on him and he still succeeded because he knew he what he was doing was right.  When Luther stood before all the Princes and the Emperor and said he would not recant, "Here I stand, I can do no other.  God help me."  Luther stood up for what was wrong and demanded change and change did happen.  Luther would have been killed if it wasn't for the fact that the people around him believed in the same message that Luther was preaching.  They saw the same vision that Luther saw for the church;  a church that taught a message of Salvation through their faith and nothing else.  

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