Thursday, June 19, 2008

I finally finished my revised proposal to the State of Georgia.  It has taken me over two weeks to revise this proposal.  I included more information than I could ever imagine that they would want to know about the work that I am doing.  Frankly, I think the state knows more about what I am doing than I know what I am doing.  
I think I am finally getting use to the idea of living down in Atlanta.  I don't know if it's because I'm busy and don't have time to think about home or its because I'm really am getting use to Atlanta.  I just came back from a walk and found a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't even know existed.  The best part of Atlanta is the fact that its cooler down here than in Maryland right now.  I'm sure it won't last very long but I'm enjoying it as long as I possibly can.  
We visited our last church on Tuesday and now I am working on getting everything together to visit the congregations.  I'm hoping this will be the easy part of my job....

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