Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday, June 26

Today has been a rough day. Nothing bad has happened at work but rather my frustration comes from some scholarship money that I was promised and now is not available at the moment. If this turns out to be the case, I am screwed. I was depending on this money to live off of for the next two semesters. I spent the past 4 hours running around trying to get references together in order to mail in this other scholarship that I was planning on applying for. Needless to say I am frustrated and very annoyed. I also didn't get to go on my walk today because it was too hot and I was not in the mood to get all hot and sweaty. Now I am going to have to force myself to go for a walk tonight once I get home. I know there is a mall close by that I may go and walk around. At least they have A/C. Needless to say it was for the most part a bad day. I did get to talk to my pastor from back home and a high school teacher who I was very close with throughout high school.

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