Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Journal Entry for Week 7

Why do bad things happen to good people? I mean seriously, why is this the case? Why do I, and others alike, feel that bad people should only have bad things happen to them? It has been a question brought up numerous times in group and numerous times for myself. I feel like the good are always punished and the bad walk away unharmed. Is this right to feel this way? Who am I to judge? So many questions to ask but a whole lifetime to seek out the answers...

1 comment:

Julie Scheibel said...

If you are interested, I suggest reading the book by Rabbi Harold Kushner, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." Note in the title, the first word is when, not why. That is an important point for Rabbi Kushner. I'd love to talk about this more if you are interested - I've spent a lot of time thinking about this topic!

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