Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another "What the Hell?" moment

So it's 12:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. My stupid on-call shift is throwing off my sleep pattern. Anyways, I was just watching that Hannity guy on Fox News (why I don't just pisses me off). I am utterly, utterly disgusted with him right now. He was talking about Health Care and how he feels Health Care should not be taken over by the Federal government because whenever the government takes over an industry, that industry suffers; the government always makes a situation worst. Now I am not quoting him but rather summarizing. I do welcome other translations but please do defend your translation. Now I tend to disagree with Hannity on his view of a National Health Insurance for two reasons: I have a pre-existing condition and trying to find affordable health insurance is near impossible; I have worked in hospitals for a number of years now and how the insurance industry has hurt hospitals, patients, doctors, ect. Health Insurance companies are raking in millions of dollars in profit while millions of Americans cannot even afford basic health care coverage. Even the basic health coverage can throw an individual into bankruptcy if something were to happen to them. Is this right Mr. Hannity? Do the needs of others not matter? I'm sorry Mr. Hannity but not all of us have a wonderful job where we get paid to talk about our own personal political beliefs. We do not make the large salary or have the excellent health coverage that you have from Fox News. Rather, the majority of Americans are suffering at the hands of greedy health insurance companies who pry on the fears of Americans and charge outlandish premiums and cover the smallest amount possible. Doctors, very good doctors, are being forced out of business because insurance companies refuse to pay for anything. Is this right Mr. Hannity? Is it right that a skilled surgeon, a surgeon who one day may very well be your last hope for a saving a loved one, be forced to find a new profession because he/she cannot make a livable wage? Is this right? Your twisted view of America may have at one time may have worked but it is not going to work any longer. We need to take care of one another and worry less about ourselves. Individuality is important but the love for one’s neighbor is equally if not more important. I will conclude this entry with a thought for everyone to think about. 150 years ago, the Federal Government interfered with the private sector and made slavery illegal. The government did this to ensure the protection of ALL individuals. Are you, Mr. Hannity, saying that the Federal Government should not have interfered with the private sector and not have ended slavery?

“Love one another as I have loved you…”


Law+Gospel said...

Don't hold back, Matt.. tell us how you really feel! Wouldn't it be great if Sean Hannity responded?

BRC said...

and the congregation says "AMEN! Preach it brother!"

Don't worry about getting on a rant. That's where the good stuff is.

Matthew Day said...

I would love it if Sean Hannity would reply. Some people should be slapped with a telephone.

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