Thursday, May 28, 2009

I am down to just a few days left at home before starting my CPE at Reading Hospital. The anticipation is killing me. I am jealous of those who have already begun working at their respective sites. I really have no motivation to do anything around the house. I have finished everything on my list except the deck. It is raining right now so that is my excuse.

It has been very lonely at home these past few weeks. I miss the community at LTSG. I never would imagine I miss the closeness of the community but I do. It was nice to just walk down the hall and say hi to someone.

I have cleaned out my room at home. It is sad to see it so bare. It is still hard to believe that I won't really be living here much anymore. It is no fun getting old. To many memories to give up...


Ivy said...

We few left on campus miss you too, Matt. Even though we among others are here, we too miss the community. It is very quiet here. Love you Matt. It won't be long now and you'll have a wonderful CPE, I'm sure. Blessings.

Unknown said...

I started today and thought of you when a fellow student spoke of Reading! I hope your move is smooth and your peers are just odd enough to make you laugh! I owe you a check at some point... give me an amount and an address? (I visited our cave of stuff the other day and it made me smile to see your things as though some part of you is hanging out in the 'burg)

And don't you ever give up those memories... stuff 'em in that suitcase and drag 'em along. You'll regret it terribly if you get to your next place and have no company to keep!

Peace, buddy! ~Jess

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