Sunday, April 5, 2009

An appology and some Theology

So I feel I should explain my last entry. I think I might have confused and scared some of you. On a side note, I think I tripled my readership with my last entry. I went from one reader to three. I wrote that entry out of angry and some of what I wrote may have come across as cruel. I did not intend for that particular entry to be cruel but as place to vent and to show the power of the cross. Lately, modern day theology has been focusing on a "Theology of Glory" rather than on the "Theology of the Cross." People like Joel Olstien preach a message that if we think and do good things, good things will happen to us. That is a "Theology of Glory." "Theology of Glory" preaches that God is high above and we must work up to God. God is just watching us as we go about our lives and punishing those that do wrong. This is very much not based on scripture but rather on an idea of God promoted by individuals who prey on hurting people in need of help.

The idea that one can pull one's self up by their own boots strap is possible (not very likely) but one must first be wearing boots to pull one's self up. So many of us have lost everything, including our boots, and turn to these tele-evangelists who preach the same thing that the rest of the world tells them; "If you work hard, things will get better."

Most of the time things do not get better but they get worst and then people lose hope in God. They blame God for everything and despise God. That idea spreads and soon we live in a world full of failed hope and batter dreams with people asking the question, "Where is God?"

Sometimes we are so foolish that we do not even know that God is with us. We forget that Jesus (and hell this is straight out of the bible) promised "I will be with you always, even to the end of the age." We keep looking for God, or at least we are told to look for God, but God has already found us. I was heart broken when my relationship ended and I still am but I know I have God with me. Shit happens but God is the one who always cleans up the mess.

Still doubting? Okay, I'll close with a story that recently happened close by. A small child was playing with his mom one evening. She had just opened the window so that her children could look outside. She turned around for two seconds only to hear her one son exclaim, "Max is outside." It seems her little boy had just pushed the screen out of the window and fell three stories. The mom ran down to find her little boy sitting in the grass without a scratch on him. The only injury he sustain was a fractured wrist. And where was God? How else could you explain how this child survived? Why do some die and others live? Let's just be glad God is the one making the decision on that but we can have confidence that God is with all of his children because Jesus promised "I will be with you always, even to the end of the age." Preach, live, and teach that God is with us. Preach, live, and teach the Cross.

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